There’s nothing more exhausting and time-consuming than unpacking after you move. However, you don’t have to do it all at once. In the guide below, we will be going over the best ways to unpack as efficiently as possible, and which rooms you should start with first. No one enjoys spending their first night at their new apartment on the floor, but unpacking your apartment slowly, room by room will help avoid overbearing yourself or unnecessary broken belongings.
1. Unpack Room by Room
After your movers are done unloading your boxes from the moving truck, make sure that all your boxes are placed in the rooms they need to be in. This can help your move go more efficiently and reduce your need to jumble around your rooms to just unpack one box. Imperial Movers (www.imperialmovers.com), a prominent moving company in NYC, says labeling is key to getting all your boxes in the right rooms the first go around. If you label, the movers will know exactly where to take things the first time, which avoids a lot of shuffling or reorganizing.
2. Start With the Essentials
You don’t have to unpack everything all at once. Prepare to have one box with all your essentials, so on your first day in your new apartment, you can relax while having all your essentials on hand. This box can include anything from spare clothes and toiletry to pillows and blankets.
3. Kitchen
Unpack your kitchen boxes as quickly as possible. The first thing you should do is hook up your fridge and appliances in case you need to make food. Then, start unpacking your glassware, utensils, and other dishes over the next few days, since you won’t need these items immediately.
4. Bathroom
Before you start unpacking your bathroom, make sure it’s clean first. Then, you can start unpacking your toiletry, towels, toothpaste, etc. After all, a full day of unpacking deserves a warm, refreshing bath or shower afterward.
5. Bedroom
Since your bed can take a long time to assemble, you might be spending a night or two on your floor. However, if you hire a local mover, most include bed disassembly and reassembly in the hourly cost of moving. Be sure to ask your moving company if they can help with this aspect of the move! If they don’t get to making your bed, at least unpack your mattress, blankets, and pillows first to get a good night’s sleep for more unpacking the next day.
After you assemble your furniture, you should start unpacking your clothes boxes, and later, your decorations.
6. Living Room
During the first few days, you should simply set up the basics. This should include your couch, coffee table, and television. Other furniture, shelving, and decorations can wait until later a later date.
7. Outdoor Equipment
If you are moving into an apartment, you may not have any outdoor equipment. However, if you do, it should be the last things you unpack. This includes things like lawn mowers, shovels, hoses, and more.
8. Don’t Procrastinate
Though there is no need to rush through unpacking, it shouldn’t take months for you to remove the boxes from your new place. Try to do a little bit every day and, eventually, the job will be done.
9. Try New Things
Don’t try to decorate your new apartment exactly how your last one was decorated. Instead, try new things. Pick out new colors, rearrange furniture, and add a bit of personality. By doing so, you can make your new apartment into a home.